How to remove acrylic paint from clothes?

Getting creative with your favorite paint by numbers kit can be an awesome DIY hobby, but sometimes accidents happen. If you've ever ended up with acrylic paint stains on your clothes, you know it can be a bit of a headache. Don’t worry, though—this article will provide you with tips on removing acrylic paint stains off your clothing. Whether you’re using the water-based acrylic paints in our kits or dealing with stains, we've got you covered.

First and foremost, it’s important to act quickly. Fresh stains are much easier to handle than dried ones. We’ll share effective stain removal methods to help save your clothes from permanent damage. While wearing an apron can prevent most spills, knowing how to tackle those inevitable accidents is essential. Read on to learn the best ways to keep your clothes paint-free and enjoy your creative projects without worry. And don't forget to check out our tips before starting your first paint by numbers project.

What You'll Need

  • Scraper, Butter knife or scraping tool, Dull knife, spoon, or an old credit card

  • Soap and water

  • Isopropyl alcohol

  • Nylon brush or toothbrush

  • Enzyme-based Stain remover

  • Laundry detergent


Treat the Stain Before It Dries - How to Get Acrylic Paint Out of Clothes When Still Wet

Remove excess paint

When dealing with wet acrylic paint on your clothes, it's crucial to act fast. At first gently scrape excess paint off the fabric using a spoon or a dull knife. This helps to remove paint without pushing it further into the fibers.

Next, avoid using a paper towel as it can leave behind lint and make the stain worse. Instead, use a clean cloth or sponge to gently rub the stained area. Blot from the outside in to prevent spreading the paint.

Rinse the fabric under cold water while continuing to gently rub the stain. This helps to remove stains more effectively. If needed, apply a bit of mild detergent to the area and work it in gently.

By following these steps, you can successfully treat wet acrylic paint stains before they dry, keeping your clothes looking their best.

Wash away with cold water first

When you notice an acrylic paint stain on your clothes, the first step is to wash them with cold water first. This helps to prevent the paint from setting into the fabric. Hold the stained area under a faucet and let the water run through from the back of the stain, pushing the paint out of the fibers.

While rinsing, use your fingers or a soft brush to gently agitate the fabric. This will help loosen the paint particles. Be sure to avoid hot water, as it can cause the stain to set permanently.

If the stain persists, apply a small amount of mild detergent directly to the spot and continue to work it gently with cold water. Rinse thoroughly until the paint is mostly removed. By starting with cold water, you increase your chances of fully removing the acrylic paint stain before it dries and becomes more difficult to clean.

Use isopropyl alcohol

If you catch an acrylic paint stain while it’s still wet, a quick and effective method is to treat with isopropyl alcohol or denatured alcohol. Start by placing a clean cloth or paper towel under the stained area to prevent the paint from spreading.

Pour a small amount of isopropyl alcohol onto a cotton ball or clean cloth and gently dab it onto the stain. The alcohol helps to break down the paint by numbers paints, making it easier to lift from the fabric.

Continue to blot and gently rub the stain until the paint starts to dissolve and transfer onto the cloth. Be patient and avoid scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the fabric. Once the majority of the paint is removed, rinse the area with cold water and launder as usual.

Using isopropyl alcohol can effectively tackle wet acrylic paint stains, helping to save your clothes from permanent damage.

Machine wash to remove stains

After treating the acrylic paint stain with water and possibly isopropyl alcohol, it's time to finish the job with a machine wash. Start by applying a bit of dishwashing liquid directly onto the stained area. Gently rub it in to help break down the paint further.

Next, set your washing machine to a cold water cycle. Cold water is essential because it prevents the paint from setting into the fabric. Add your usual detergent and toss the stained garment in the wash.

machine wash acrylic paint stains

For tougher stains, you might want to add a stain remover to boost the cleaning power. Let the washing machine do its work, and once the cycle is complete, check the stain. If it’s still visible, repeat the process before drying the garment.

Machine washing is a reliable way to remove acrylic paint stains from clothes when combined with pre-treatments like dishwashing liquid and hand washing in the water.

How to Get Dried Acrylic Paint Out of Clothes

Scrape the paint off the clothes

Removing dried acrylic paint from clothes can be challenging, but starting by scraping off the excess paint is crucial. Use a dull knife or a spoon to gently scrape the stained cloth. This helps to lift as much of the dried acrylic paint from clothing off as possible without damaging the fabric.

Be patient and work carefully to avoid spreading the paint further. Once you've removed the bulk of the dried paint, you can move on to other stain removal methods. This initial step is essential for effectively tackling paint stains from clothes and preparing the fabric for further treatment. Scraping off the dried paint sets the stage for a cleaner, more effective stain removal process.

Apply Isopropyl alcohol

If you're dealing with dried up acrylic stains from paint, isopropyl alcohol can be a lifesaver. Here's how to remove paint stains using this method. Start by placing a clean cloth or paper towel under the stain to prevent the paint from spreading.

Soak a cotton ball or clean cloth with isopropyl alcohol and gently dab it onto the dried paint. The alcohol helps to break down the paint, making it easier to lift from the fabric. Continue to blot and gently rub the stain until the paint starts to dissolve.

Rinse the area with cold water and repeat if necessary. This method is effective for tackling tough paint stains and can save your favorite clothes from permanent damage.

Use laundry stain remover - pretreat the stains

To tackle dried acrylic paint stains, use a laundry stain remover for effective pretreatment. Here's how to remove paint stains with this method. Apply the stain remover directly to the dried paint, ensuring it fully covers the stained area.

Gently rub the stain remover into the fabric, allowing it to penetrate the paint. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes to break down the paint particles. After the pretreatment, wash the clothing in the washing machine on a cold cycle.

Check the stain after washing. If it persists, repeat the process before drying the garment. Using a laundry stain remover is a reliable way to pretreat and lift stubborn dried paint stains from hard surfaces and your clothes.

Wash the clothes as usual

After treating the dried acrylic paint stain with isopropyl alcohol or a stain remover, it’s time to wash the clothes as usual. Use a liquid laundry detergent for best results, as it can penetrate fabric fibers more effectively.

Set your washing machine to a cold water cycle, which helps prevent the stain from setting further. Add the detergent and start the wash. After the cycle is complete, check the stains. If the paint is still visible, repeat the washing process before drying the garment.

Washing the clothes as usual with a good liquid laundry detergent can help remove any remaining paint residue, leaving your clothes clean and fresh.

Ingredients to Avoid When Treating Acrylic Paint Stains

When treating acrylic paint stains, some common household items can do more harm than good. Window cleaner, vinegar, and ammonia don't work effectively on these types of stains. They might even set the paint further into the fabric.

Avoid using industrial solvents like acetone and paint thinner. These harsh chemicals can damage your clothes, causing discoloration or weakening the fabric fibers. Instead, stick to gentler methods like using isopropyl alcohol or laundry stain removers specifically designed for fabrics.


Alternative Methods for Removing Acrylic Paint Stains

If alcohol and stain remover aren't effective, try these other approaches:

Dish soap

Use dish soap's degreasing power to tackle stubborn stains in wet acrylic paint. Rub a few drops into the stain, then rinse with warm water.


The alcohol in hairspray can help remove dried acrylic paint stains. Spray the affected area and rinse with soap and water.

Nail polish remover

For dried acrylic spots, acetone-based nail polish remover works well. Soak a cotton ball in the remover, blot the stain, then rinse with soap and water.

Baking soda paste

Effective on both wet and dry stains. Mix equal parts baking soda, dish soap, and rubbing alcohol. Apply the baking soda mixture and paste to the stain, wait 15 minutes, then rinse with soap and water.


Knowing how to remove acrylic paint from clothes can save your favorite garments from ruin. Whether dealing with fresh spills or stubborn dry stains, acting quickly is key. Start by scraping off excess paint and rinsing with cold water. For tougher stains, use isopropyl alcohol or a laundry stain remover. These methods are effective for getting paint off the clothes and can often completely remove dried acrylic paint. With these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any acrylic paint mishap and keep your clothes looking their best. Always remember to test a small, hidden area of the fabric first to avoid any damage.

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